
Back-to-back PL champs 2016 and 2017.... but need to get back to relevance in the national FCS scene.
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Re: Fordham

Post by datruph » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:50 pm

a total collapse is this senior class. enough!!! its time to move on. awful...

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Re: Fordham

Post by datruph » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:56 pm

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Re: Fordham

Post by RichH » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:04 pm

There is certainly enough issues all around . Disappointment understandable. No need tho to pick out one class as the culprit. There are so many issues and I am sure from the outside that there is a lot we dont know.
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Re: Fordham

Post by datruph » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:40 pm

This is a big boy sport. A lot of money is involved...Careers are on the line. Futures are at stake. It is unfortunate that it has come to this. Lehigh is bad!!! I do not think that the players are this bad. I do not think the coaches are this bad...I do think that change is needed...Whether it is at coach or at each position or at each position coaches spot. Things have gone south quickly...It is unfortunate for everybody involved. This comes down to work ethic. I have a feeling that skating by has caught up to the seniors. Entitlement has caught up to the coaches. The results are what we are seeing on the field. Placing trust in kids who really are masking there work ethic is at fault. The strength coach probably knows whos at fault. You cannot fake this stuff. Million dollar contracts are not handed out to the lazy. We need to salvage the future on kids who are workers. Whoever the strength coach is should be consulted regardless of past performance. I can promise you from head to toe that if the workers were rewarded you would see effort on the field. I see beer-bellys on skilled position kids. Unfortunately these coaches are going to lose there jobs on kids who have cheated the system. It is sad because losing a job is very hard for everybody and most importantly families. Enough is enough and we need to look forward to our future. This team on defense has given up. The offense has been terrible. I think we are averaging 500 yards on defense a game and the offense has 4 tds and 9 pix. Blame the o-line, blame the qb, blame the defense and blame the coaches it all stinks from head to toe. These are the kids who were recruited by these coaches and unfortunately these coaches are going to lose there jobs because of lack of desire. Other posters who have graduated and have moved on must know something because this is getting very hard to watch. There is absolutely no heart on this team...CHANGE IS NEEDED NOW...SORRY FOR BEING SO NEGATIVE...If the new guys fail atleast they are getting experience for the future and we will be a better team in the long run...GO LEHIGH...
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Re: Fordham

Post by rayric » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:29 pm

Andy has had his chance, recruiting falls on the coaching staff. I am sorry but as a leader you are responsible for assembling a team that has the ability to compete.He has had 5 years of scholarships, and if anything the program has regressed. Time to clean house and shake up the program the coaches have been too comfortable.
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Re: Fordham

Post by ngineer » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:04 pm

Luckily, the wife and I had 'date' tonight, so I got to go to great concert that was a big aid in relief from today's debacle. I said earlier that this was a must win game that would also tell us what the they are made of. We found out today. With a home game first time in a month, a wide open PL conference ready for a run from a team with the mind to make a statement, one would think this group from top on down would be on fire to come out and show the world that the 'preseason' of the past month was past. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, "What's past is prologue." Sterrett needs to do something immediately, with the entire team. Not a behind closed doors meeting with the coaches, but with everyone. Lehigh has developed over the past 48 years a great tradition that was build, literally from ashes of the mid/late 1960's. We cannot allow a return to the desert, but that is where we are headed unless action is taken,now. The HC has seem disengaged for a couple years. In some programs with the right coordinators, HC's can delegate a lot to them, but that is not the case since we lost Cecchini and Folmar, and on defense, going back to Kotulski. When you look at the record, we have been as good as our coordinators. We must be looking longterm and start playing the 2's and 3's and see what we really have for next year and beyond. IF Lehigh wants to be an FCS player, and a consistent PL leader, change is needed. I see no emotion on the sideline. I am reminded of the song haunting song in "1776" sung by a the Secretary of the Continental Congress who reads a letter from the field sent by Washington, "Is Anybody there? Does Anybody Care?"
Who's holding who accountable? This a f'king depressing.
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Re: Fordham

Post by RichH » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:25 pm

Ask again for you to stop trashing a whole group of players. The fault here lies many shoulders and circumstancex. We can all see how we are playing and count the Ls. We dont know the inside tho. We dont know the whys. We speculate and assume. Its what fans do. What we should not do is place blame on specific players or an entire class. Compare it to bitching about a QB throwing an INT. WR may be at fault for a bad route. Or why is a RB not getting yards. Of course, he may be playing with an injury. We dont know the whys more often than not. Dont trash players based on assumptions.
Coaches getting trashed is part of the job description. Still with the same caveat. We see the results but we assume the whys.
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Re: Fordham

Post by LUFBPhan » Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:38 am

Yeah, I think there’s a cancer on the team but to say the Senior class has given up is wrong. My boy still busts his butt as do many others in that class. None of them want to lose. A few issues I see: the offense has internal issues, there’s too much arguing with each other. Opposing teams have our timing down. I love our RB but You cannot run him up the middle every other play. We have other RBs and capable WRs. Brisson needs to put all those egos in check.
We cannot go three and out all the damn time
Defense can’t cover a darn pass. And again, when the offense can’t score ( and very rarely get a first down) the defense spending all the darn time on the field - the defense gets tired and worn out. ( Don't know if you ever noticed our D linemen have been significantly smaller than most of those they are up against). We have some very talented players, and while some may be upset about the reality of not going to NFL and not being a team captain, they still belong to THIS team and need to realize it. Coen while maybe a great coach at one time has lost it... don’t believe me, ask your kids.
If AD don’t make changes- the only fans left will be the players families.
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Re: Fordham

Post by Hawktalker » Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:50 am

You're not the first person to reference "a cancer on the team." If true, surgery is required or it will kill the team, which appears to be on life support right now.
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Re: Fordham

Post by HawkForLife » Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:03 am

Albert Einstein is credited with a definition of insanity "doing things over and over and expecting different results." Pretty smart guy, that Einstein, and very appropriate for Lehigh football.

5 straight losses and not one change on defense? How can that be? Fordham came in averaging less than 30 yards on the ground got how many yesterday? Who is accountable? Coach Sut (yes), Coach Coen (yes), and AD Sterrett (yes). Too many kids out of position, who I wont name here.

No competition in practice = no competing in a game.
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