
Can Lehigh get back to the NCAA postseason?
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Post by RichH » Sat May 01, 2021 2:24 pm

What the hell happened? For once glad wife guilted me into shopping.

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Re: Nova

Post by grad81 » Sat May 01, 2021 5:15 pm

Didn’t show up is what happened. Uncharacteristically poor performance by the offense. Only 18 shots on goal and 24 turnovers. Also, they were only at about 50% clearing the ball. Incredibly, Sisselberger was 20 of 22 on faceoffs. The defense gave up way too many open looks. Frankly, they have not played well defensively over the past 4 games. I guess it was good to get a game like this out of their system before next week but they are going to have to step it up. Unfortunately I don’t think an at large bid is on the table with the loss today so winning the PL tournament is their only option.
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