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Game 9 - The Black Knights of the Hudson

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:18 am
by jimk72
Great game to watch. A bit bigger crowd last night (744) saw a virtual war and a great team win at Stabler. T W-Sidney leading scorer that featured much of his quickness and a team determination to rebound (33-28 Lehigh advantage) that overcame 15 Hawk turnovers. What's not in the box score is the constant, physical Army pressure throughout the game. But what is in the box? Dead-eye sniper Nic Lynch 2-3 from three-point land!

On to Worcester and Holy Cross Friday 5pm, rather than Saturday, to avoid the Nor-easter scheduled for Saturday.

Re: Game 9 - The Black Knights of the Hudson

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:40 pm
by RichH
A great game. Team is showing mental toughness. Army is physical and relentless. The number of TOs less a factor of carelessness than Army pressure.
Only question is can we play as well consistently.

Re: Game 9 - The Black Knights of the Hudson

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by TMH
I thought Lehigh played really tough defensively. Except for some missed give and gos, it was consistent no matter the lineup.

Offensively, it is a bit Jekyll and Hyde in that when they are playing well, it seemed to be in all facets. When they let down, both turnovers and poor shooting are combined. Fortunately, there is a lot more Jekyll than Hyde now and we are finding out that this team can shoot. That transformation has been exceptional.

It was nice to see that MWilson is working his way back in the lineup. The added depth will be important as we go on.
The playoffs may be interesting in that I now feel that we can beat anyone. We can also lose to anyone too.

Having 2 productive freshman in the lineup bodes well for the future. I think the growth curve on TWS may be quite steep. He played no basketball last year and is only now getting up to speed in the college game.

Re: Game 9 - The Black Knights of the Hudson

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:46 pm
by LU65
Truly a fun game to watch - especially from two rows behind the bench.

Prior to taking my seat, I had the opportunity to stand courtside and watch the team go thru their warmup drills. It's a routine I follow whenever possible. Never had I witnessed a more focused and energized group of players. Like me, I'm sure, they remembered the 22-point embarrassing loss up at the "Point" on January 7th. For what's it worth, Nick, ET, Higgins, Betlow and WST had it going early inthe shoot-around as they stoked one 3 after another in the warmups. My informal count had the assembly hitting well over half their long-range shots.

It appeared the 3's carried over nicely to gametime. Only Parolin and Tan went without. Ten did hit from long-range, combining for 42 of the team's 84 points on 14 of 30 shooting. No harm in taking a three if you can hit at that rate! Maybe "dual-threat" Nick (6 of 11 from deep in last 4 games) is just the edge we need to keep the opponents guessing.

As for the "3", let it be known (thanks to good record-keeping of Ken Pomeroy) that LU - be it only the 306th (out of 358 D-1 teams) best ranked squad in America - is the 56th best in knocking down the "3" at 42.3%. In PL Conference play we sit atop the PL at 42.3%.

Next up for everyone........

LU (6-3) @ HC (1-5)
CU (4-1) @ BU (5-4)

AU (2-5) @ Navy (6-3)
LOY (6-3) @ Bucky (1-8)
LC (2-4) @ AWP (6-3)

Good luck to all - especially BU, AU, Bucky, and LC.