LU Business School

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Re: LU Business School

Post by DF2002 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:47 pm

LUEngineer wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:50 pm it’s not about sexism & rascist but more about liberalizing everything toward Marxism on our beautiful campus. Conservative rugged individualism has been replaced by equity of outcomes where virtually everyone gets A’s & B’s & standard testing is being eliminated for determining admission.

Coursework is no longer geared toward preparing students for careers as it is to promote the liberal agenda espoused by faculty/staff to prepare students to change their values from those instilled by their parents.

Lehigh is simply now part of the left wing agenda that started on other campuses as far back as the 70’s but only arrived at Lehigh since the turn of the century.
Just one man’s perspective but maybe it can add something to this particular thread of the discussion.

I was one of few self-described conservatives in most classes I took. The reality is there were likely many more than I realized but they were often too scared to speak up for obvious reasons. And I graduated 20 years ago. This is just to say that the hostility toward non-progressive ideology isn’t really new.

But I also want to challenge both the conservative and progressive sides on the issue as to how the dominant political ideology on campus impacts the quality’s of the education.

It’s my observation and opinion that BOTH sides have fallen prey to the same animal and both are detrimental to education- a total unwillingness to engage the other side in good faith facts and objective reason. Both sides just dismiss the other as crazy or racist or America-hating or something.

Between literally banning books; virtue signaling; stifling speech; challenging objective reality, etc both sides really seem to be making the same mistakes to suit their own ideological goals. Lehigh, like many schools, has fallen into this trap and it’s terrible for the culture and the education students receive.

Neither returning to the 50’s nor embracing the dominant Marxist fetishism (oh so very real- not sarcastic) will do a damn thing to improve the culture or education of our alma mater.

Just my opinion, obviously.

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Re: LU Business School

Post by LU808 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 4:27 pm

ngineer wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:34 pm A lot of people who pine for the days that Lehigh was all male and 99% white are down on the school for starting to look like America. Lehigh of the 1950's was virtually a small, regional technical school for engineers, with a business college and arts & science colleges tagging along to use the name "university".
As is seen with the dialogue amongst the alums, and across the country, "change is scary" to a lot of people.
Let's "Make Lehigh Great Again", seems to be the mantra.
When our caste system was institutionalized roughly 230+ years ago and carried through for almost 180 years, it has been difficult for those who benefitted from the institutions to let go of the grip of racism and sexism. When I came to Lehigh over 50 years ago racist comments were frequently heard, as there were very few minorities on campus; hence, the feeling no one would be offended. The first classes of women who entered did not have it easy, either. It takes time to 'catch up' after awakening from a deep sleep, hence the term "Woke". I am glad to see Lehigh making attempts to bring us forward. Change is not easy and comes with some discomfort; but, nothing like the pain that was inflicted on millions of our fellow citizens for centuries.
Thanks the this AOC or Cory Bush writing?
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Re: LU Business School

Post by Toast » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:33 am

This offseason sure went downhill in a hurry. People don't usually show their asses like they have on this thread until much later in the summer.
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Re: LU Business School

Post by Oracle » Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:09 am

Excellent observation! And good to hear from you.
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Re: LU Business School

Post by HFO » Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:55 pm

I recommend all go back and learn the history of Lehigh from its founding. What was expected of its admitted students and what they went onto do in life. Lehigh from the get go was created to be something special. It recruited nationally and the tuition was ZERO. It was created during a movement of polytechnics. The vision of a founder that saw the need from Engineers, Scientists, Businessmen with an education significantly different of the seminary/college curriculum of all the major traditional colleges that would have taught classics, languages, religion, mathematics and some sciences. In an era, when 2% of US population graduated high school and just $5 per year was spent per capita on education. ... -1860-1950

Lehigh is essentially no better now that ten years ago or twenty years ago on recruiting the premier people of color, other than Asians. 5% is black with a graduation rate of 74%. 10% is Hispanic with a graduation rate of 86%. 9% is Asian with graduation rate of 90%. ... &id=213543
This data has not significantly changed in past 20 years despite great recruiting efforts at feeder high schools.

The objective is acceptance of students of merit who will thrive and succeed. The worst thing you can do is bring in students and set them up to fail.

So let the institution do what it wants. Eliminate quantitative screening methodology based on correlation to first year performance. Do not include Asians in "category" of non-white, people of color, that only destroys the false rhetoric. Hispanics are showing great success at Lehigh. Blacks mixed success.

I know a bit about statistics. If 60% of a population, I draw the Top 1%, I have #.
If 13% of a population, I draw the Top 1%, I have a #.
If 19% of a population, I draw the Top 1%, I have a #.
If 8% of a population, I draw the Top 1%, I have a #.

Then thrown in parameter, that they must be high school graduates or other qualifying characteristic.

Well, # is not going to be the same.

Then if any you, want to be cute, and call me a whatever vernacular of choice, I adopted a child "Charmant" from Rwanda during the genocide. I prepared him for high school. I prepared him for college. He earned a MS-Economic Development and a PhD in Marketing.

When you are as old as me, you will learn that nobody is special. Life for all from beginning of time is an exercise of survival. For whatever reason, some will live to a long old age. Others die young. The distribution of intellect and work ethic produce different outcomes. There are no easy ways. The only way that pays off is the one based on merit, competency and ethic.

So those who want to bypass the work part and social engineer a different distribution without truly producing the competency so be it. As for me, whether medical school graduates, engineers, scientists, I prefer those advanced based on merit.

Again, I will stick by my assertion that Lehigh University has become mediocre as an institution in the past 30 years. Pick a metric. % of faculty in Top Journal Citations Globally. % of Research Dollars.
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Re: LU Business School

Post by ngineer » Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:29 pm

The objective is acceptance of students of merit who will thrive and succeed. The worst thing you can do is bring in students and set them up to fail.
Exactly. But the original point of this "debate" was whether there was and still is institutional racism/sexism that some seem to deny. If you deny basic equal humanitarian opportunity to a group of People for centuries, a flick of a switch in the 1960's didn't provide a cure, but only the beginning of providing opportunities that had been denied, but the vestiges lingered. There still has to be the will to provide the tools, and that struggle continues today in different forms. I see nothing "Marxist" about the government providing a quality education to every child in a country that certainly has the ability to do it, but not the will.

Go Lehigh!
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