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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:05 am
by legger
**** I am probably going to surprise some of the posters with my response here, especially with my views of continuing higher education and staying in academia through the PHD level, but I do not think going on to MMA is a wise decision for college wrestlers.

Like many posters here I am now pretty long in the tooth and have absorbed a great deal of injuries throughout my competitive years. Thankfully, the vast majority of my injuries are of the orthopedic nature, (many replacements and lingering types). I can no longer compete even in most non-contact sports. Thankfully, I have only had 1 concussion in all my years of competitive sports. But like Richb-3 implied even 1 CTE can have a lasting and potentially devastating effect on the rest of your life.

Where and when I grew up, not only were contact sports were the rule of the day but fighting was almost a daily occurrence, (everyone looked like and acted like The Fonz). Anyone who came through without major damage was the exception not the rule. Even if you are almost an Elite College Wrestler, going into MMA where the goal is to inflict so much damage to your opponent is for morons.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:43 am
by Oracle


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:21 am
by Spladle1989
Agree also, but was just giving the reason they do sans logic.......not saying I don't agree with Rich just saying his disbelief comes from a lack of touch with the real world......which many if not all the multi degree'd (greater than say Master's) tend to possess.......

I am a big believer that any college professor, especially in the business or engineering fields should have at least 20 years of practical knowledge (i.e. work experience)....those in the arts, well whatever.......too many college level professors are just baffled when what they are preaching just doesn't apply in the real world, that is a problem.....Become a college professor when you are 45-50, not when you are 28-34 with zero practical know how but 4 degrees....


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:51 pm
by legger
**** I agree with Spladle 1989. I was a member of the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership in the late 90s. Another member was a PHD from Muhlenberg. He was very talkative and would love to argue and expound on his vast knowledge of almost any subject. I took it for a while as I did not want to get into a fight but after about the 3rd monthly meeting I took him on. The result was very much like this film clip from Back To School. Theory vs. real world.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:10 pm
by Oracle
You have just summed up why higher education is such a rip-off.

A students, teaching the B students who go to work for the C students.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:20 pm
by legger
**** I agree.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:55 pm
by Spladle1989
Hey ….. I was a B- student not a C student…. But damn did I learn how to party, manage my time, study, do what needed to be done and as social chairman of my fraternity learn how to deal with people and manage situations…. Invaluable learning experiences not found in textbooks…. I would say i applied as much of that as I did book knowledge I learned to build and run businesses….

And i have a feeling that is a valuable part of a Lehigh education that has slowly been lost since the mid-nineties and that’s a shame….


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 7:21 pm
by drd5748
To sum up, legger had one specific beef with on PhD, in the midst of a whole slew of generalizations about PhDs.

Which all began with the misinterpretation of one boastful PhD who isn't one.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:30 pm
by Spladle1989
Wow, that’s a piss poor summary …. You must have been an A trending towards B student….no chance you were a C student

But hey did you know Burley specifically mentioned you and Gimp….yadayada….. nevermind…..


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:38 pm
by drd5748
Go ahead - tell us one thing that was incorrect about the summary.

First, you over-react -way over the top - because you dislike Rich; then you admit you essentially agree with him
Now you're tired of getting along with me, so you try putting me down. Again.
Welcome back, Kotter .. but which Kotter are you?